Balt Brooches from Janowiec on the Vistula River
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Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Państwowego Muzeum Archeologicznego, ul. Długa 52 – Arsenał, 00-241, Warszawa, Polska
Submission date: 2020-12-23
Final revision date: 2021-02-23
Acceptance date: 2021-04-23
Publication date: 2021-12-20
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2021;LXXII(72):194-199
The artefacts presented were found at site no. 3 (AZP 76-75/47) in Janowiec in the commune of Janowiec, Puławy County, located on a sandy terrace closing the Vistula River valley from the north-west. At the foot of the terrace, below the site, flows a small watercourse, which the locals call “Nieciecz”; it feeds the Plewka River, which has its confluence with the Vistula above Janowiec. The current bed of the Vistula River is about 2 km from the site (Fig. 1). The site, which can be described as a multicultural settlement, was discovered in 1981 during a surface survey conducted as part of the Archaeological Record of Poland; since 2016, fieldwalking and excavations have been regularly carried out at the site. Apart from isolated sherds of Trzciniec Culture pottery, the site also yielded Przeworsk Culture material, the oldest of which can be dated to phase A3, and the most numerous can be attributed to phases B2 and B2/C1–C1a. The youngest settlement horizon of the Przeworsk Culture is marked by a brooch of Almgren type 158, which can be classified as the Jakuszowice variant (according to I. Jakubczyk 2014), and a belt buckle similar to type H12 in the classification of R. Madyda-Legutko (1987). Fragments of the two brooches of Balt provenance, discussed in the article, can be dated to the later sections of the Early Migration Period and to the Late Migration Period. The beginning of early Slavic settlement is marked by fragments of bracelets with trumpet-shaped, ornamented terminals, which, with some reservations, can be dated to the 7th–8th century, as well as by late Avar belt fittings, dated to the 8th/9th century. The youngest early medieval artefacts can be dated to the 12th–13th century. During the excavations, modern period material was also recovered. The first of the finds discussed here is a copper-alloy fragment of a fibula with solid catchplate (Fig. 2:a.b). The fibula belongs to the Doll­keim/Kovrovo type, distinguished by A. Bitner-Wróblewska. Brooches of this type are mainly associated with the West Balt circle, where they are the most numerous. They are also known from Pomerania, Bornholm, Öland, Gotland and Finnish areas. One specimen was also found in Tomasze, Ostrołeka County, and in an unspecified locality in the Dnieper River basin. In the West Balt circle, Dollkeim/Kovrovo-type brooches are dated to the later stages of phase D and the beginning of phase E of the Migration period. The second find from Janowiec is a copper-alloy fragment of a spring from a rung brooch of a “pseudo-crossbow” construction (Fig. 2:c.d). Brooches of this type are found almost exclusively in the Balt areas, where they mark the developed stages of phase E of the Migration period. The finds from Janowiec can probably be regarded as signs of movement of small groups of West Balt people along the Vistula River.
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