New finds from Kamieńczyk, distr. Wyszków
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Publication date: 2006-12-31
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2006;LVIII(58):388-390
Two interesting finds originating from random discoveries at Kamieńczyk on the Bug River recently entered the collections of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw. One of them is a bronze winged pin (Flügelnadel) retaining a fragment of its iron shaft, a form distinctive for Jastorf Culture, dated to the early phase of the Late PreRoman Period. In the classification of H. Schubart (1957) this piece represents a classic form, defined as Ostmecklenburgisch-vorpommerscher Typ (op. cit., p. 87, 92–93). Objects associated with Jastorf Culture discovered in Przeworsk Culture area may be connected to the passage of the Sciri and Bastarni in the 3rd and 2nd c. BC through the area on their way to the Black Sea (T. Dąbrowska 1988b, p. 75). The other find from Kamieńczyk is a bronze brooch, a local form produced on the lower Bug and Narew Rivers. The brooch belongs to Almgren type 38–39, variant ‘a’ acc. to M. Olędzki (1992; 1998). Dating of this variant is confined in general to a part of subphase B2a and entire or part of subphase B2b (op. cit., p. 56).
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