Analiza antropologiczna materiału kostnego z cmentarzyska w Dziecinowie, pow. otwocki
Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne, ul. Długa 52, 00-241 Warszawa
Data publikacji: 31-12-2008
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2008;LX(60):321-334
The analysed human bone sample originates from a Late Bronze and Early Iron Age cremation cemetery at Dziecinów, distr. Otwock (Central Poland). Sex attribution and/or age assessment was made for at least 64 individuals identified, of whom some 46 or so derived from burials (Table 1). Demographic data obtained from the assemblage is limited owing to the nature of the cremation rite itself and the incompleteness and the poor condition of the remains. Analysis of sex structure revealed the presence of an even number of juvenile and adult individuals (if we include in the latter group four young women of iuvenis age of childbearing age). In case of most of the immature individuals sex was not determined; the group of adult individuals included more females (15) than males. The largest group (16) was that of young individuals (iuvenis, iuvenis/adultus, adultus, adultus/maturus), the majority of them females (12). This may be the effect of high female mortality due to causes such as poor hygiene and frequent childbirth. An equally large group (14) were infants in their early stages of development (fetus–infans I), whereas burials of five more older children (infans II, infans II–iuvenis) visibly confirm the generally high mortality of this segment. Traits of sexual dimorphism observed in the analysed sample include differences in height – which for males ranged from 171 to 175 cm, with females on average smaller in stature by 5–10 cm (160–170 cm). Both the men and the women had been tall or very tall; possibly this may be an indirect indication of relatively good living conditions. Not too many pathological lesions were observed; this could equally well the effect of the overall good health of the population or of the poor preservation and fragmentary condition of the remains. A considerable segment of pathological lesions was associated with degenerative processes related to aging, manifested particularly within the spinal column. Most bones exhibited a high (remains of 26 individuals) or moderate (remains of 18 individuals) level of oxidation, with a low level of oxidation in two cases only. No relationship was determined between the level of oxidation of the bone and sex and/or age of the cremated individuals.
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