A Recent Find of a Roman Period Gold Foil Ball Pendant from Węgrów, Distr. loco
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Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne w Warszawie, ul. Długa 52, 00-241 Warszawa
Muzeum Zbrojownia na Zamku w Liwie, Liw, ul. S. Batorego 2, 07-100 Węgrów
Publication date: 2012-12-31
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2012;LXIII(63):227-231
Several Roman Period artefacts were discovered in the spring of 2010 on the outskirts of Węgrów (Fig. 1) and submitted to the Museum Armoury housed in the Gothic castle at Liw. One of these finds is a slightly damaged ball-like pendant made of gold foil without any additional decorative details (Fig. 1:1, 2). Similar forms are encountered in grave inventories of female and male burials in cemeteries of Wielbark Culture (phases B1a–C1) and Przeworsk Culture (phases B2–C1). At the same time, in the region of Mazowsze currently they are known only from a small number of Przeworsk graves datable to phase B2 (Fig. 3): Grodzisk Mazowiecki, distr. loco, grave 23 (B. Barankiewicz 1959, p. 204, pl. VII:24), Kamieńczyk, distr. Wyszków, grave 63 (T. Dąbrowska 1997, p. 22, 86, pl. XXX/63:4), and Oblin, distr. Garwolin, grave 26b (K. Czarnecka 2007, p. 17, 78, pl. XXIV/26b:1). An exceptional ball pendant decorated with filigree and granulation was discovered at Nadkole 2, distr. Wyszków, grave 121 (J. Andrzejowski 1998, p. 45, 65, pl. LXXV/121:2). This suggests that the pendant from Węgrów has a similar dating and is associated with Przeworsk Culture. The same location also yielded two denarius coins: a Vespasian and a Faustina the Younger and, at a distance of about 200 m, a damaged bronze crossbow tendril fibula, type A.161–162, decorated on its head and at spring terminals with knobs (Fig. 1:2–4). An indentation visible on the Vespasian coin suggests an attempt made to pierce the denarius and use it for a pendant. The condition of the fibula (its strongly bent shape – evidence of intentional destruction?) suggests that originally it was an element of an inventory of a Wielbark Culture cremation burial. The finds from Węgrów presumably derive from an as yet unidentified archaeological site of Roman Period date. Numerous finds of Roman coins recorded in the area around Węgrów and the nearby Liw, a hoard of Roman coins from the vicinity of the village of Jarnice, the presumed burial mound of Wielbark Culture at Liw and the long-lived burial grounds at Stara Wieś and Jartypory a few kilometres to the north, document the existence during the Roman Period of a settlement concentration which survived in the region until the Early Migration Period (cf. J. Andrzejowski 2005, p. 242, fig. 4, 5, 9, 12).
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