A Cemetery of the Wielbark Culture at Linowo, gm. Świecie nad Osą, Woj. Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Site 6. Preliminary Report
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Muzeum Okręgowe, ul. Łazienna 16, 87-100 Toruń
Państwowa Służba Ochrony Zabytków, Oddział Wojewódzki w Toruniu, ul. Łazienna 8, 87-100 Toruń
Publication date: 2001-06-30
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2001;LIV(54):147-152
A destroyed Wielbark Culture cemetery at Linowo was discovered in 1986, and excavated in 1991–93. At the cemetery 39 graves dated to the Roman Period were found (19 pit graves, 3 urn graves and 17 inhumation graves). The skeletons were orientated N-S, deceased were laid on back, heads toward north, what is typical for the Wielbark Culture. However, the skeleton from the grave 66 was laid on his left side with legs bent, and in three undisturbed graves (68, 69A, 69B) the skeletons were placed without any anatomical order, as if the dead were quartered before burial. The oldest graves from the cemetery came from the phase B2/C1 (grave 17 with brooches type A.96; fig. 2), or even from the phase B2c (grave 105 with abrooche type A.128, fig. 2). Grave 1 with a brooch type A.162 and a silver S-clasp type B may be dated to the phase C1a. Quite richly were furnished inhumation graves from the phases C1b–C2. Grave 89 contained abrooche to type A.168, a few clay vessels and a necklace with 6 silver lunula pendants, 12 amber beads and 26 glass beads (Fig. 4), while grave 66 produced a fibula similar to type A.167, a necklace of 14 amber eight-shaped beads, 22 glass beads and bronze bucket-shaped pendant (Fig. 3). The youngest grave at the cemetery produced the belt buckle with thickened frame typical for the phase D (Fig. 2).
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