Dusted-off Treasures. Interesting Artefacts from the Village of Łady Nowe, Sochaczew County
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Dział Epoki Żelaza, Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne, Długa 52, PL 00-241, Warszawa, Polska
Submission date: 2021-06-15
Final revision date: 2021-07-17
Acceptance date: 2021-08-31
Publication date: 2021-12-20
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2021;LXXII(72):159-170
In 1938, a collection of artefacts from the village of Łady Nowe (currently Łady), Sochaczew County, was presented to the State Archaeological Museum. It consists of two small earthenware vessels (Fig. 8, 9), an iron brooch (Fig. 1), two iron knives (Fig. 2, 3), an iron spearhead (Fig. 4), a damaged iron shield boss (Fig. 5, 6) and melted bronze sheet fragments, probably from a vessel (Fig. 7). The earliest-dating artefact is the iron brooch of the Middle La Tène construction, resembling Kostrzewski variant B. It is decorated with a round knob and a distinct depression on the foot, which could have been used to affix an additional decorative element – a piece of coral, glass or bone. Its closest analogies are a brooch from a cremation grave at Wilcza Wólka, Piaseczno County (Fig. 10:1) and a fibula from Gradowo, Radziejów County (Fig. 10:2), dated to phase A1. They are most probably imports from the Celtic culture circle; in Poland, they are attributed to the Jastorf Culture. The damaged iron knife with a wide blade and straight back transitioning into a socket (Fig. 2) is an unusual find. A similar tool was found at the Przeworsk Culture cemetery at Zagorzyn, Kalisz County, which is dated to the Late Pre-Roman Period (Fig. 11:4). Such knives are encountered among Celtic tools, although they are not common finds (Fig. 11:3). Their function remains unclear. They may have been a symbol of prestige, used, according to some researchers, to quarter sacrificial animals or cut meat at feasts. Other analogies to the socketed knife come from graves A and 8 (Fig. 11:1) at the Kraghede cemetery in northern Jutland; however, there they were described as a one-edged lance head. It may also have been a specialised tool of currently unknown purpose. The associations of the so-called Kraghede group with the Przeworsk and Jastorf Cultures are confirmed in pottery, and, perhaps, this is another example of these connections. The fragmentarily preserved second knife from Łady Nowe has a wide blade and tang defined on one side (Fig. 3). It is dated to the Late Pre-Roman Period. In the case of the iron spearhead, only the socket and a fragment of the blade have been preserved; the latter is so small that its shape, type and chronology cannot be determined (Fig. 4). The iron shield boss survives only in a fragment of the dome with a narrow, blunt spike, which was inserted into a hole in the dome and hammered flat on the inside (Fig. 5, 6). The lack of the dome, flange and rivets makes it difficult to clearly determine the typology and, in turn, the chronology of this object. Blunt spikes are characteristic of both the shield bosses dated to the Late Pre-Roman Period, identified as Bohnsack type 7, as well as the ones representing Jahn type 7a and dating to the Early Roman Period. In the case of phase-A3 specimens, spikes are usually riveted to the dome. The welding technique, which did not require rivets, is characteristic of specimens from phase B2 of the Early Roman Period; however, it was known and may have been used already in the Late Pre-Roman Period. The archaeological site from Łady Nowe was most probably a cremation cemetery of the Przeworsk Culture, as some of the objects were burnt. It is dated to the Late Pre-Roman Period, possibly also later. Unfortunately, the very interesting finds discussed here cannot be allocated to grave assemblages and must be treated as an artefact collection.
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