Finds of Jastorf-Type from Wytyczno, site 5, in Eastern Poland
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Muzeum Okręgowe, ul. Lubelska 55, 22-100 Chełm
Publication date: 2001-06-30
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2001;LIV(54):49-57
Author examines finds from a settlement at Wytyczno, about 50 km NE from Lublin, excavated in early 1990’s. 175 prehistoric features were discovered there on 1500 m2 (Fig. 1, 2). Most of them could be dated, based on the pottery finds, to the phases A1–A2 of the late Pre-Roman Period. Two large fireplaces and a well were unearthed among undistinguished settlement features. The well and one of the fireplaces produced very interesting pottery assemblages – fragments of barrel-shaped vessels with collar-like rims and thinwalled vessels with black glossy surface and with rims facetted inside (Fig. 5, 6). Similar pottery came also from a cultural layer and from other features (Fig. 4, 7). Such pottery is untypical for the Przeworsk Culture and finds close analogies in the Jastorf culture sensu largo, mostly on the Jutland Peninsula, in the Gubin Group and in the Poieneşti-Lukaševka Culture. Furthermore at Wytyczno were discovered 7 fragments of clay firedogs (Feureböcke), which are also typical for the Jastorf culture (Fig. 4:31,32). These finds build next part of the “bridge” between the areas of the Jastorf culture on the Elbe with regions north and north-west of the Black Sea. A feature of the Lusatian Culture, 2 features of the Pomeranian Culture (Fig. 3) and 4 from the Roman Period (Fig. 7:1,2,4–6) were also found atWytyczno. The Pomeranian Culture pottery finds good analogies in Brześć Kujawski, among the finds linked with the Jutland. The Roman Period pottery is similar to the finds distinguished as post- or late Zarubintsy Culture.
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