Deposit of Flint Blades from Krowia Góra near Sandomierz (Site 14, Comm. Łoniów, Woj. świętokrzyskie)
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Wojewódzki Oddział Państwowej Służby Ochrony Zabytków w Kielcach, Delegatura w Sandomierzu, ul. Słowackiego 37, 27-600 Sandomierz
Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 30-031 Lublin
Publication date: 2003-12-31
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2003;LVI(56):51-62
Early in May 2001 a random discovery of “flint knives” was made during tree planting at the village Krowia Góra in south-central Poland (Fig. 1). According to the finder’s report a close-knit concentration of 13 blades occurred in clean sand at the depth of dozen-odd centimetres. The site lies within the valley bottom of the Vistula, on its upper Holocene sandy and alluvial terrace, situated about 150.10 m above the sea level. The blades were discovered inside the slope of an old abandoned river channel, a stretch of which at present contains a nameless stream flowing from the upland (Fig. 2). Sondage verification of the site led to the recovery of further blades and blade fragments also discovered in clean sand, where they rested at the depth of 35–45 cm from the present day ground level, about 10–15 cm below the bottom of the arable layer. The artefacts formed an irregular, 30 by 35 cm, concentration, showing no trace of having been inserted into the ground by digging. The blades rested in different positions – at a smaller depth, their position was horizontal or slightly diagonal, deeper down, it was nearly vertical. It is not certain whether this layout is original. The entire deposit (including the eighteen pieces discovered originally) consisted of twenty specimens: sixteen complete, one with a slightly fractured bulbar part, one with a fractured distal end, three bulbar and three distal blade fragments. It appears that all the surviving fragments and six of the intact pieces also fragmented at present, were damaged as a result of post-depositional processes. At the time of the accidental discovery the fragments of six pieces were lost, which suggests that the original blade deposit may have been much bigger. The finds show little evidence of use-wear or patina visible to the naked eye. All are made of waxy-chocolate hued chocolate flint with sparse light grey bands, with an on the whole thick cortex. The blades from Krowia Góra are macrolithic in parameter (Table 1). They were detached from single platform cores showing no preparation of the striking platform, as indicated by the natural butts noted in eighteen of the pieces, as opposed to just a single prepared butt. The butts are perpendicular to the blade axis. Analysis of dorsal sides shows them to be products of the early stages of exploitation of two or three cores. The blades could be refitted into four blocks (Fig. 5, cf fig. 3:1–4 and 4:1, and fig. 7, cf fig. 6:3.4 and 6:1.2, and fig. 8). Cultural attribution of the deposit is rather difficult. In the light of their parameters of the flint pieces their time of production and deposition can hardly predate the so-called metric caesura in Neolithic flint-knapping. This leaves us with two cultures: the Volhynian-Lublin Painted Pottery Culture and the Funnel Beaker Culture (cf B. Balcer 1975; 1983; A. Zakościelna 1996). In view of the morpho-metric attributes of the blades and their raw material, the authors are inclined to link the deposit with the Volhynian-Lublin Painted Pottery Culture.
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