A Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Materials from the Area of Kuty (Ukraine) in the Collection of State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw
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Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne, ul. Długa 52, 00-241 Warszawa
Publication date: 2010-12-31
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2010;LXI(61):165-200
The article focuses on a set of finds (inv. no. PMA II/3317) known to derive from 31 sites on the Kutianka stream in the region of Kuty in Ukraine, some 50 km south of Rivne (Fig. 1, 3). The State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw acquired the set from Roman Turkiewicz who offered to the museum what he considered to be the most valuable specimens from an originally much larger inventory. The set includes objects of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age date. Some of them could be attributed to specific cultures: Lublin-Volhynian (L-VC), Funnel Beaker (FBC), Globular Amphora (GAC), Corded Ware (CWC), Mierzanowice and Strzyżów Cultures. The main flint resource represented in the assemblage is Volhynian and Roztocze flint. Objects of stone and ceramic objects make up a much smaller number. The flint inventory is represented by debitage and production waste, e.g.: cores, blades and flakes as well as tools: sickle knives, bifacial leaf-points, axes, chisels, retouched blades, end-scrapers, a side-scraper, burins, hammerstones. From the site “Kuty” there are 9 cores, all without exception in Volhynian flint (Fig. 4, 5). Eight are single platform blade forms, one is a double platform form (Fig. 4a) typical for Swiderian Culture. Larger cores had been used for detaching blades of a form typical for L-VC of considerable length of even as much as several dozen centimetres (A. Zakościelna 1996, p. 90–91). Nearly a third of 23 blades are fragmented suggesting deliberate action taken to obtain selected parts of debitage for the production or remaking of tools (A. Zakościelna 1996, p. 37). Tools are represented by 7 sickle knives, in Volhynian and Rozto¬cze flint (Fig. 7, 8, 9a), apparently, of Early Bronze Age date. A specimen from the forest site “Soraszczyzna” (Fig. 6b), typologically close to specimens from the late phase of Mierzanowice Culture, is an example of borrowing within Strzyżów Culture. To this latter culture may be attributed also two bifacial leaf-points in Volhynian flint (Fig. 8b.c) produced using the technique of core reduction and two-sided surface retouch. In the group of 17 flint axes the largest set are forms attributable to CWC (Fig. 10b, 11a–c, 12a.c, 13b.d, 14b.c). Some of the lens-shaped and flat forms are likely to be from the Early Bronze Age horizon (Fig. 10a.c, 12b, 13c), others are attributable to Strzyżów Culture (Fig. 10a.c, 12b). Two specimens are axe half-products (Neolithic?), presumably damaged when the implements were being shaped (Fig. 14a, 15a). In the group of 13 retouched blades (Fig. 9a.b, 15b–g, 16) forms with two-sided retouch dominate over forms with one-sided retouch. Chisels (4) are represented by two specimens lens-shaped in section (Fig. 17a.b) and two quadrangular specimens, polished on every side (Fig. 17c.d). The chisels with a lens-shaped or oval section may be attributed – with some reservation – to FBC, the forms with a rectangular section may be ascribed to GAC (cf. W. Borkowski, W. Migal 1996, p. 160–161). Three end-scrapers (Fig. 18d–f) are characteristic for L-VC (cf. W. Borkowski, W. Migal 1996, p. 55–56). Other tool classes are represented by a side-scraper struck from Roztocze flint (Fig. 17e) and three burins (Fig. 18a–c). Eight hammerstone-rubbers (Fig. 19–21) are nearly spherical in form, with worn and slightly eroded surfaces due to use. A hammer-stone from the forest site “Pod Iserną” (Fig. 21b), on a recycled L-VC core, may be attributed to this culture. The inventory from Kuty includes three objects of stone: a hammerstone of sandstone, in two fragments (Fig. 22), and two battle axes (Fig. 23a.b) made of fine-grained rock. The axes in terms of their culture attribution fit the CWC environment, more precisely, its SE group (Z. Krzak 1980, p. 9), and have analogies in material known from CWC sites in Ukraine (I. K. Svêšnìkov 1974, fig. 4–17). Clay objects are represented by two undecorated pottery fragments (Fig. 23d.e) which may be attributed to L-VC, a spindlewhorl of FBC (Fig. 23c), and four lumps of daub. The incomplete lithic and pottery inventory from the area around Kuty is an interesting and rich source of information. The set, obtained by Roman Turkiewicz and subsequently offered to the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw, is substantially abridged version of the original inventory. Missing from it are mass small finds whereas the tools had been handpicked with focus placed on characteristic specimens valuable as collector items. Even so, this material can still furnish much valuable data. The presence of cores and core forms struck from fine Volhynian flint, obtainable by mining from deposits, suggests the occurrence in the region of Kuty of mines of this resource, associated e.g., with Lublin-Volhynian Culture.
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